Le Kang
Lives and works in Guangzhou & Jindezhen

Le Kang.1982.in Xian
- Le Kang (*1982 in Xi’an) lives and works recently in Guangzhou as an installation artist and vice. professor of product design. From 2005, Kang moved from Xi’an to Guangzhou. Then her round trip between Guangzhou and Jingdezhen began. Recounting her artistic experience, Kang has referred to herself as a “liquid crystal” from one city to another. On the one hand, her work grew through the cultural, formal, and spatial receipts from various urban spaces, on the other hand, her recognition, experience, and trying to refract through his artworks. Kang engages in various themes of “boundary”, “existence of label”, “collective and individual memory” and so on.
- The corresponding art projects stood above such topics, in which her works of art were born. In such projects, the artist, participants and viewers exchanged in artworks with each other. In her current work, she intends to continue her artistic relationship of local reflections in a cross-border method. She awaits the participation of friends, institutes, art groups in her new journey in the next territory.
● Certificate of Master’s Degree(Fine Art)
Guangxi Arts University
June.30,2018(Graduate of General Higher Education)
● Certificat of Graduation(Sculpture)
Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts
Date of lssue:June.30,2018
Le kang, Discussion on the application of art design in museum space; Fine Arts and Arts, Yu Shan, Wuhan Jingang Color Printing Co., Ltd, No.508/2019,2019.08,p.114-p.115
Le kang, Innovative research on cultural and creative product design in Leizhou area; Ginseng flowers, xu wen, Jilin Province Sanhua Magazine, No.08/2021,2021.08,p.129-p.130
Le kang, Interior space design analysis based on interactive design concept, Industrial design, 2020.01, p.54-p.55
Le kang, The application of ceramic artworks in indoor spaces; Hebei pictorial, du wei, Shijiazhuang Haide Printing Co., Ltd, No.4401/2021,2021.01,p98
Le kang, The representation of ceramic sculpture in space; Chinese literary and artistic artist, Xu So Lin, China Writers and Artists Magazine, No.07/2018,2018.07,p.39-p.40
Le kang, The application of ethnic cultural elements in the decoration of packages; Packaging engineering, Wu Hu Lin, Editorial Department of Packaging Engineering, No.06/2018,2018.06,p.245-p.247
Le kang, Design and analysis of ceramic products in interior environment design, Dazhong Wenti, Dazhong Wenyi periodical office, Weibing ma, Editor-in-chief, No.06/2017,2017.06,p72
Le kang, Application of bionic design in ceramic product design, Art Education Research, The Institute of Fine Arts Education, Jinan yi, Editor-in-chief, No.4/2017,2017.04,p68
Le kang, Analysis of modern ceramic jewelry design productization, Appreciation, Shanxi Publishing Group Co. LTD, Yajun Liu, Editor-in-chief, No.4/2020,2020.04,p.141-p.142
Written the 2019 edition (Sino-German cooperation) product design professional training plan (University of Essen-Duisburg)
Le Kang, Celadon Vessel,iscaee international ceramics exhibition, exhibition catalogue, from 01-10 October 2013 in Turkey. The work ‘Celadon Vessel ‘ has been collected by the Committee of the Exhibition Iscaee International Symposium of Ceramics Art
Le Kang, L’acqua meraviglia della terra,xxxlx concorso internazlonale della ceramicad’arte, from 2nd September 2017 to 15th January in Gualdo Tadino Italy, The work ‘ A piece of the rain’ has been collected by the Committe of the Exhibition XXXIX concorso internazlonale della ceramicad’arte
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